Designed specifically for the hurricane prone regions of Puerto Rico, Florida and the Gulf Coast, The Hurricane Pad™ meets stringent local code requirements for wind resistance. Heavier than a standard 2” or 3” concrete pad, this 4” pad provides sufficient weight to meet code. For certain taller equipment, The Hurricane T-Class Pad™ is needed.
- Environmentally friendly - The Hurricane Pad™ family of equipment pads are composed of at least 15% recycled material.
- Best compressive strength - The Hurricane Pad™ family of equipment pads are made from a minimum 7000PSI solid concrete. No other pad can match the compressive strength of The Hurricane Pad™.
- No Water Absorption - The Hurricane Pad™ does not absorb water like some other pads. This helps maintain the structural integrity of the pad and keeps it in place to protect the equipment.
- Pullout Strength - The Hurricane Pad™ has high anchor pullout strength. This means the pad will hold onto mounted equipment even in extreme conditions.
- Reinforced - The Hurricane Pad™ includes steel reinforcement to add strength and stability to the pad.
- Lightweight - The Hurricane Pad™ incorporates an EPS foam core which makes it much lighter than solid concrete, allowing for easy placement and removal with less strain. The Miami-Dade 175MPH pad does not have an EPS foam core and provides the weight and strength required by FL codes.
- Easier to install - The Hurricane Pad™ uses standard Tapcon screws and does not need special inserts to securely attach to the equipment.